S.Albayrak Home Categories


1 Athyrta
 1.1 The second law of thermodynamics from symmetry and unitarity?
 1.2 Hypergeometric functions!
 1.3 More is different!
 1.4 How to boost your social status by sporadically using Latin phrases?
 1.5 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (explicit Gen Z edit)
2 Aglaonice
 2.1 Longest time without sleep
 2.2 Contiguous Cartograms
 2.3 Wittgenstein’s inspiration
 2.4 Marshmallow test and poor kids
3 Hypatia
 3.1 Summary of homogeneous curved spaces
 3.2 Sad life of Evariste Galois
 3.3 Victor Kac in his 1996 Wigner medal acceptance speech
 3.4 The longest word in the Turkish language
4 Keng Hsien-Seng
 4.1 Turkish political road map
 4.2 Interacting with women can impair men’s cognitive functioning
 4.3 Akinator
 4.4 Power of visualization
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