S.Albayrak Anasayfa Kategoriler

2.1 Bazı ilginç makaleler

Aşağıda inginç ve faydalı olabilir bulduğum bazı makaleleri paylaşıyorum (herhangi bir sıralama veya gruplandırma kullanılmamıştır).

Emergence of spacetime, Scale vs conformal invariance, A very nice analysis of conformal partial waves from AdS and flat space point of view, A very broad discussion and review of s-matrix and gravity, A nice discussion of locality in gravity, A nice review of Mellin amplitudes, Kallen-Lehmann type representation in AdS, Original paper of The Symanzik star formula, More on Symanzik star formula, Even more on Symanzik star formula,

An intuitive argument why local stress tensor should exist in CFT via RG (§11.3), An analysis of higher spin currents in 3d CFT’s,1 An analysis of higher spin currents in 4d CFT’s, A discussion of a theory with 2 spin-2 conserved currents (page 38), Conjecture that any CFT with a large-N expansion and a large gap has a local bulk dual, The paper in which background field method is introduced, A book with a section reviewing background field method,2

A nice discussion of Universal Covering Group of Minkowskian conformal group G = SO(4, 2)Z2,3 The analysis of induced representations of conformal group in Compactified Minkowski Space in page 12, Details regarding Intertwining Kernels of conformal group, Unitary irreps of 3+2 de Sitter group, first discussion of Average Null Energy Condition in flat space, A paper discussing Unitarity Bounds using a physical approach,

Earlier work on unitarity bounds,4 unitarity bound in any d, Review of early history of conformal transformations, Applications of quartic Casimir in CFT’s, Analysis of OPE convergence, Review: scale vs conformal invariance, Applications of quartic Casimir in CFT’s, Conformal Blocks along real line,5 A CFT with a non-discrete spectrum,6 Borrel Resummability in Scalar Field Theory, Discussion of hierarchies, Walking CFTs and Complex CFTs,

A review of Polyakov Bootstrap, where the main objects are crossing symmetric witten diagrams instead of conformal blocks, Bohmian Mechanics,7 An example of scale invariant but not conformally invariant theory, Discussion of Unitarity Bounds in various dimensions for both CFTs and SCFTs, Nice discussion of generalized free fields, GroupMath: A Mathematica package for group theory calculations, chronology protection conjecture (hawking),8

1Maldacena also shows that all higher spin conserved currents should be in the spectrum if one of them is in the spectrum!

2The method has the advantage that one works with manifestly gauge-invariant quantities at the expense of introducing an additional field. It also seems to be quite useful for supergravity. Two other books where this method is used/mentioned are: Lectures on Matrix Field Theory (by Badis Ydri) and Basics of Thermal Field Theory (by Mikko Laine and Aleksi Vuorinen)

3It also discusses light cone and Stereographic Projection, and shows that Lorentzian green functions (Weightman Function) are tempered distributions living at the real boundary of domain of analyticity of Euclidean green functions (Schwinger Function).

4See also https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007\%2FBF01613145 and https://arxiv.org/abs/hep-th/9712074.

5See also https://arxiv.org/abs/1305.1321.

6This is possibly only CFT with non-discrete spectrum, see page 8 of https://arxiv.org/abs/1805.04405

7In this paper, there are several references with helpful directions:

  1. von Neumann incorrectly stated that hidden variables are impossible [56].

    • counterexample: the quantum theory of David Bohm [13,14]
    • For an analysis of why von Neumann’s and related “impossibility proofs” are not nearly so physically relevant as frequently imagined, see Bell’s article [2].
    • See also the celebrated article of Bell [3] for an “impossibility proof” which does have physical significance. See as well [6].
    • For a recent, and comprehensive, account of Bohm’s ideas see [20].
  2. Bohmian mechanics account for quantum phenomena: [14,15,18]
  3. A general analysis of measurement from a Bohmian perspective [29]
  4. Spin and permutation symmetry arise naturally in Bohmian mechanics [2,30,13,46,35]

8See also https://arxiv.org/abs/2109.03611